Useful Information


199 / 112 should be called in the event of an emergency. Medical, fire or police services can be reached on these numbers.

The Pan-European emergency number 112 can be called from any telephone (landline, pay phone or mobile cellular phone). Calls are free and operators in Cyprus speak English.

Telephone Numbers

You can find a comprehensive list of Emergency and Useful numbers by clicking here.


For a comprehensive list of Cyprus postcodes click here.

Helpful Android & iOS Cyprus Apps


Map of Cyprus Offline – A great offline map which doesn’t require an internet connection

Exploring Cyprus – An all in one guide to Cyprus, including phrase books, general information, phone numbers etc

Foody – A comprehensive food delivery directly with an easy to use interface


WOW Cyprus Guide – An all in one guide with restaurant, bars, beaches information, all offline.

Mobile & Internet Advice


There are just two mobile phone networks on Cyprus; Cytamobile and MTN. Both work with GSM technology, meaning that your mobile phone should be able to connect to one of these networks whilst vising Cyprus.

If you’re planning on a longer stay, then either of these two options would be more cost effective than roaming charges:

Pre-paid SIM/ PAYG

At either one of the networks, buy a pre-paid SIM card that gives you a certain amount of credit for your mobile. If you don’t want to sign up for a more permanent contract, then this would be a good option. If you know people on Cyprus, ask what network they are on as they often do free texts or calls to numbers on the same network.


Contracts are great if you are using your phone a lot and they can start at under €5 a month. Both providers charge a connection fee but the set up process is very simple, for expats too.


If you’re visiting Cyprus as a holiday, then a lot of hotels and villas offer WIFI.

For setting yourself up from scratch, however, you often firstly need a telephone line. (There is the option of ADSL that doesn’t need a phone line, although this is less common.)

The main internet connectivity providers to choose from for broadband are Cytanet, MTN and PrimeTel, all offering similar packages to what you would be familiar with; TV, phone and internet combinations. Digital TV is available and a wireless modem is usually installed by the service provider. Have a browse of their websites for more details.

Radio Stations

Rock FM 98.5

Paphos based English channel offering rock classics and soul

Radio Paphos FM 93.7

English and Greek local station offering music, news and light entertainment

Kiss FM 89.0

Popular music channel from Nicosia

Love FM 100.7

Pure entertainment

Choice FM Nicosia 107.4

Music station, lots of hits

Author: Chicsystems

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